1.1.  ʔecwíš   ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   sčint   ʔe   čatq̕éleʔ 
1.1.  he dwelt Turtle people at Chatcolet
1.2.  hoy   ʔekʷn   ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   neʔ   kʷup   čicxʷúy   ʔayáʕ   ɬe   kʷup   snsíkʷeʔmš 
1.2.  then he said Turtle you come all you who are Water People
1.3.  hoy   čicxʷúy   ɬa   qíxʷlš 
1.3.  then they came the fish
1.4.  hoy   ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   ɬe   hnkʷíʔces   hoy   kʷinc   ɬe   síc̕ms   hnkʷínm   ʔekʷn   hiˑˑˑ   ʔahiˑˑˑaˑn 
1.4.  then Turtle when it was night then he took it his blanket he sang he said hiˑˑˑ ʔahiˑˑˑaˑn
1.5.  ɬe   sčint   ɬa   ʔaʕʷ 
1.5.  people all of them
1.6.  kʷum̕   kʷíntm   ɬe   síc̕m 
1.6.  then it was taken hold of (handy object --h.w.) the blanket
1.7.  kʷum̕   ʔayáʕ   ɬe   sčint   tčén̕m 
1.7.  then all people took hold of (it --xxed out) (large object (i.e. skin stretched for drum) [sic] --h.w.)
1.8.  kʷum̕   ɬe   ʔe   slip̕   kʷum̕   x̣étntm 
1.8.  then with a stick then it was beaten
1.9.  kʷum̕   ɬa   ʔaɬq̕íc̕enč   lut   he   stčén̕mš 
1.9.  then Snake did not take hold
1.10.  xʷiʔ   xʷa   ʔaɬq̕íc̕enč   lut   he   stčén̕mš 
1.10.  here Snake did not take hold
1.11.  ɬuʔɬ   ʔec̕əlúˑˑt   ɬe   ʔe   síc̕m   ʔacʔáx̣al   ʔadálk̕ʷiʔqs 
1.11.  there he stood with his blanket like this pulled over his nose
1.12.  ʔe   sq̕éy̕ic̕eʔ   ciʔɬ   he   síc̕m 
1.12.  it was striped that his blanket
1.13.  hoy   láʔx̣ʷ 
1.13.  then it was morning
1.14.  hoy   ʔekʷn   ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   hoy   čn   xʷíst   teč   wehímeʔ   čeɬ   či   sx̣áyyiš 
1.14.  then he said turtle then he went [sic; possibly "I go"?] in toward Nez Perce country to take revenge
1.15.  hoy   čicxʷíst 
1.15.  then he came
1.16.  kʷum̕   ʔayáʕ   ɬe   ʔe   qíxʷlš  
1.16.  then all the fish (period crossed out --h.w.)
1.17.  kʷum̕   čicčéšntm 
1.17.  then came with him
1.18.  lut   lékʷut   ɬ   kʷum̕   hnkʷíʔc     1.18.  not far it was that already it was night
2.1.  hoy   kʷum̕   ʔuɬ   kʷínc   ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   ɬe   síc̕ms 
2.1.  and then again he took hold of it Turtle his blanket
2.2.  hoy   kʷum̕   ʔuɬ   láʔx̣ʷ 
2.2.  and then again it was morning
2.3.  kʷum̕   tel̕ciʔ   čidéx̣t 
2.3.  then farther they came
2.4.  lut   he   sčilékʷəkʷs   hoy   kʷum̕   ʔuɬ   hnkʷíʔc 
2.4.  it was not far and then it was night again
2.5.  hoy   kʷum̕   ciʔɬ   niʔ   qáqaqsm 
2.5.  and then there they serenaded
2.6.  hoy   ʔuɬ   čaláʔx̣ʷ 
2.6.  then again it was morning
2.7.  ʔekʷn   ɬa   qíxʷlš   ɬe   ylmíxʷm   x̣áy̕x̣iy̕t 
2.7.  he said Fish the chief big
2.8.  ʔekʷn   hoy   č   ʔuɬ   dík̕ʷsm   ni   lut   he   síkʷeʔ   ɬ   č   ʔencíʔ 
2.8.  he said no we are going back are we not of the water is it not that we live
2.9.  kʷum̕   t̕iʔ   čsnlúʔp   ɬe   hi   sccm̕íl̕tel̕t 
2.9.  now already we are dry my children (subjects)
2.10.  ʔekʷn   ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   xʷúyul   ʔe   spukén   ɬ   qʷáʔqʷeʔl   xʷúyul [  p̕ənčóswɩpən   čiyasxʷestet̕ayíq̕spəlčósəm] 
2.10.  he said Turtle go to Spokan and talk go [p'Entcɔ̀swɩpEn tciyasxʷästät̕ayíq̕spEltcɔ̀sEm]1 (1Turtle spoke partly in Spokan which the informant could not translate-- h.w.)
2.11.  hoy   ʔuɬ   dík̕ʷsm   ɬa   qíxʷlš 
2.11.  then they turned back the fish
2.12.  č̕am̕   čicxʷíst   ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs 
2.12.  just he came on Turtle
2.13.  lut   he   snkʷíʔc   ɬ   pəneʔ   népuwey̕ (  lepwi) 
2.13.  it was not night until as far as Lapwai
2.14.  hoy   ɬe   ʔuɬ   čet̕íʔčes   ʔémiš 
2.14.  then when again the sun rose he sat down
2.15.  hoy   ʔác̕x̣nc   ɬe   sčint   teč   hnɬeʔnítkʷeʔ 
2.15.  then looked at him the people toward the opposite bank
2.16.  hoy   ʔecʔəmúˑˑt 
2.16.  then he was sitting
2.17.  ʔecʔemút   t̕iʔ   č̕ém̕p 
2.17.  he was sitting already it was dark
2.18.  hoy   čit̕t̕ək̕ʷm̕en̕cút   2.18.  then he took his time
3.1.  hoy   xʷuˑˑɬ   pəneʔ   síkʷeʔ   hoy   n̕úɬxʷetkʷeʔ 
3.1.  then he proceeded as far as water then he went into the water
3.2.  xʷiʔ   xʷe   síkʷeʔ   ni   lut   xʷe   ʔe   síkʷeʔ   xʷe   xʷiʔɬ   ʔáx̣al   kʷum̕   ɬe   ʔe   tmíxʷəl̕mxʷs 
3.2.  here the water was not the water what was thus as his country (element)
3.3.  hnʔukʷtétkʷeʔ   xʷuɬ   hnq̕et̕pítkʷeʔ 
3.3.  he entered the water he proceeded to come up the bank
3.4.  gʷíčc   ɬuw̕e   cécətxʷ   ʔecwíšweš 
3.4.  he saw it those houses standing
3.5.  hoy   xʷíst   tkʷelniʔc̕elúˑˑˑɬxʷ 
3.5.  thne he went stood about in the streets
3.6.  hoy   miipnúnc   ɬuʔ   ɬe   ylmíxʷm   ɬe   cétxʷs 
3.6.  then he learned it (that) there the chief his house was
3.7.  ɬe   sčint   teč   ɬuʔ   népt   ɬe   teč   ylmíxʷm 
3.7.  the people toward there went in toward the chief
3.8.  ʔicmíl̕mel̕xʷ   hoy   hoy   ʔuɬ   ʔácqeʔ   ɬe   sčint 
3.8.  they smoked tobacco they finished then again they went out the people
3.9.  hoy   xʷuy   ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   ʔác̕x̣nc   ɬe   ylmíxʷm   ʔecʔəmút 
3.9.  then he went Turtle he saw him the chief sitting
3.10.  hoy   ʔác̕x̣stus   hoy   t̕ék̕ʷncut 
3.10.  then he saw him then he lay down
3.11.  hoy   ʔecʔəmút   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   teč   čitč̕əmípɬxʷ 
3.11.  then he was sitting Turtle toward the outside
3.12.  hoy   ʔašč̕qínmistus 
3.12.  then he listened to him
3.13.  hoy   ʔitš   x̣ʷu   x̣ʷu 
3.13.  then he slept xu xu
3.14.  hoy   čiin̕úɬxʷ   xʷa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs 
3.14.  then he came in Turtle
3.15.  hoy   ʔepɬ   w̕l̕w̕l̕ím̕ 
3.15.  then he had a knife
3.16.  hoy   ɬe   ʔicʔítš   ɬe   ylmíxʷm   hnníč̕usnc   níč̕ɬc 
3.16.  then the one sleeping he cut his face he cut for him
3.17.  táx̣ʷəx̣ʷ 
3.17.  he died
3.18.  hoy   lut   he   píntč   3.18.  then soon (not long)
4.1.  y̕élməncuts 
4.1.  he moved (he did not even move)
4.2.  hoy   xʷiy̕a   ʔaax̣íw̕ɬ   ɬa   čapqínis   xʷiʔɬ   níč̕ɬc 
4.2.  then this now his scalp here he cut off for him
4.3.  hoy   čickʷínc 
4.3.  then he took it
4.4.  hoy   ɬe   ʔe   síc̕ms   ʔax̣ístus   hoy   ɬa   čapqínis   ʔacantəw̕áx̣nmistus   ɬe   ʔe   čapqínis   ɬe   ylmíxʷm 
4.4.  then with his blanket he did it thus then the scalp he stuffed it under his arm the (his --h.w.) scalp the chief
4.5.  xʷiʔɬ   čiceen̕úɬxʷ   hoy   čicʔítš   ɬe   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs 
4.5.  here he came in under then he slept Turtle
4.6.  hoy   láʔx̣ʷ 
4.6.  then it was morning
4.7.  hoy   ɬe   sčint   xʷiʔɬ   tx̣ʷéct   ʔekʷn   ɬe   smíy̕em   če   snléq̕ncut 
4.7.  then the people here passed by they said the wife he is to go sweating
4.8.  ʔekʷn   k̕ʷey̕   ʔicʔítš 
4.8.  she said still he is asleep
4.9.  hoy   kʷum̕   k̕ʷul̕cncút   ɬe   smíy̕em 
4.9.  and then she cooked the wife
4.10.  hoy   q̕ʷelt   ɬe   čeycʔíɬislš 
4.10.  then is was cooked what was to be the food
4.11.  kʷum̕   ʔicpúteʔm   lut   he   sqíɬstm 
4.11.  then she respected him she did not waken him
4.12.  hoy   čingʷíst   ɬa   ʔaɬdárenč 
4.12.  then it came high the sun
4.13.  hoy   ɬe   y̕cgʷíy̕smš   léq̕ncut 
4.13.  then they finished sweatbathing
4.14.  xʷiʔɬ   ʔuɬ   xʷíʔnust   ʔepɬ   ʔekʷn   híčeʔ   xʷe   ylmíxʷm?  
4.14.  here again he came along it was he said where is the chief
4.15.  ʔekʷn   ɬe   smíy̕em   ʔicʔítš 
4.15.  she said the woman he is sleeping
4.16.  ʔekʷn   cʔəčínmš   miyeɬ   q̕ésp   ɬ   hi   ʔcʔítš 
4.16.  he said what is the matter it is too long he is [sic] sleeping
4.17.  hoy   ʔe   smíy̕ems   ʔekʷústm   t̕iʔ   ʔuɬ   hntúʔp   xʷe   sk̕ʷul̕cəncútet   lut   ʔu   qém   4.17.  then by his wife he was told already it is getting cold what we have cooked no he was silent
5.1.  hoy   neʔkʷú   ɬe   smíy̕em   hi   y̕ác̕x̣m 
5.1.  then she thought the woman I will look
5.2.  hoy   ɬe   ʔe   síc̕ms   ɬ   četčaʔqínc 
5.2.  then with his blanket it was that she pulled off his head
5.3.  ʔekʷn   kʷun̕   t̕iʔ   táx̣ʷəx̣ʷ 
5.3.  she said (my --xxed) (apparently! no --h.w.) surely! he is dead
5.4.  hoy   ɬe   sčint   čicxʷúy   hoy   ʔác̕x̣ntm 
5.4.  then the people came and he was looked at
5.5.  hoy   ʔenníč̕us   kʷum̕   č̕uu   ɬa   čapqínis 
5.5.  then his face was cut (around) then gone his scalp
5.6.  hoy   če   sk̕ʷúl̕ɬtm   čeɬ   x̣acnúm̕is 
5.6.  then they were to be fixed for him his clothes
5.7.  hoy   čicʔax̣ístm   neʔ   stím̕   čickʷínm 
5.7.  then it was done thus to I do not know that they found
5.8.  čicgʷíčtm   ʔickʷínmš   xʷa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs 
5.8.  it was found it was being taken (something of) Turtle's
5.9.  ʔekʷn   heʔ   ni   xʷiʔ   xʷe   puluscútis   gʷíčɬtm   xʷiy̕a   čapqínn 
5.9.  he said here is here the one who killed him it was seen for him (i.e., it was evident --h.w.) this scalp
5.10.  xʷiʔɬ   ʔaac̕áx̣əl 
5.10.  thus it was
5.11.  hoy   čiiténmstm 
5.11.  then he was pulled
5.12.  lut   ʔims   čeeténmstm 
5.12.  no in vain he was pulled (resisting --h.w.)
5.13.  ʔekʷn   he   tčnék̕ʷeʔ   hnx̣atx̣atíčn̕tul   ʔe   šét̕ut 
5.13.  he said one beat him ont he back with a rock
5.14.  xʷét̕pncut   xʷe   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   čickʷínc   xʷiy̕e   šét̕ut [  xʷil   kʷutacálsunte   piqálasənpulstəm]  5.14.  he ran off Turtle he took the rock [just try it I'll kill all of you]
6.1.  hoy   ʔekʷn   lut   he   če   shntəx̣ʷəx̣ʷnmínc 
6.1.  then he said that is not to cause him to die
6.2.  ʔekʷn   tač   stqʷíl̕kʷup   niʔ   ččmínusntul 
6.2.  he said toward fire throw him in among
6.3.  xʷét̕p   ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   dlím   niʔ   dlímus   ɬa   ʔa   stqʷíl̕kʷup 
6.3.  he ran Turtle he ran he ran right through the fire
6.4.  ʔekʷn [  kʷupálsšənti   piqálasɩnpólstəm] 
6.4.  he said [just try it I'll kill all of you]
6.5.  ʔekʷn   lut   he   stím̕   neʔ   púlustmet 
6.5.  he said with nothing are we to kill him
6.6.  ʔekʷn   he   tčnék̕ʷeʔ   heʔ   tuusnččmínkʷeʔntul 
6.6.  he said another oh I have it let's throw him into the water
6.7.  ʔu   če   y̕əkʷústm   ɬ   a   a   c̕úʔm   hntaqtaqusncút   xʷe   xʷiʔɬ   ʔax̣ístus 
6.7.  just as (he --xxed) (it was --h.w.) said it then a a he cried he cupped his hands over his eyes thus he did
6.8.  hntaqtaqusncút   c̕úʔm 
6.8.  he covered his eyes he cried
6.9.  ʔekʷn   xʷúyul   kʷun̕   ciʔ   naʔ   táx̣ʷəx̣ʷ 
6.9.  he said go on my there he will die
6.10.  hoy   neem̕n̕ús   xʷe   ʔe   slip̕   ɬ   čitenǰémntm 
6.10.  then I don't know with a stick it was that he was braced
6.11.  xʷiʔɬ   ʔax̣ál   lut   he   dálxʷncut 
6.11.  here like -----
6.12.  kʷum̕   ʔuɬ   čiiténmɬtm   lut   ha   ča   sqéɬntm   hoy   xʷúystm 
6.12.  then it was pulled for him back hither he is not to be overcome the he was carried along
6.13.  šiɬ   č̕č̕íteʔ   ɬ   ɬe   ʔe   síkʷeʔ   čicxʷíst   xʷe   t̕ík̕ʷt̕ək̕ʷt 
6.13.  just near it was to the water they came an old man
6.14.  ʔekʷn   hóyečul   kʷup   ʔicʔəčínmš?   6.14.  he said stop that what ails you?
7.1.  tmíxʷəl̕mxʷs   xʷe   síkʷeʔ 
7.1.  it's his land the water
7.2.  ʔu   čeɬ   ʔustcaqíneʔes   ɬ   xʷét̕pncut   ɬ   hnt̕úxʷəlškʷeʔ 
7.2.  as soon as he (could --h.w.) hear again that is when he ran and jumped into the water
7.3.  hoy   ʔekʷn   ɬe   sčint   hoy   táx̣ʷəx̣ʷ 
7.3.  then they said the people now he is dead
7.4.  cʔəčínmš   neʔ   ʔuɬ   hnq̕et̕pítkʷeʔ   ʔekʷn   ɬe   t̕ík̕ʷt̕ək̕ʷt   tmíxʷəl̕mxʷs 
7.4.  what is the matter he might come ashore again he said the old man it is his country
7.5.  ni   lut   nuk̕ʷspíntč   ɬe   teč   hngʷənítkʷeʔ   ɬe   ciʔɬ   ʔencíʔs?  
7.5.  did he not one (for a whole --h.w.) year (toward --xxed) at the bottom of the water there it was that (he made --h.w.) his home? (is --xxed)
7.6.  hoy   ʔuɬ   čiidéx̣t   ɬe   sčint 
7.6.  then again they came back the people
7.7.  k̕ʷuk̕ʷn̕íy̕eʔ   ɬe   teč   hnɬeʔnítkʷeʔ   x̣iye   x̣iye   ʔax̣iye   ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   xʷiʔɬ   ʔax̣ístus   ʔax̣iye   ʔax̣iye 
7.7.  soon toward the opposite bank x̣iyä x̣iyä ax̣iyä Turtle thus he did ax̣iyä ax̣iyä
7.8.  dúl̕məncut   ɬe   sčint 
7.8.  they ran the people
7.9.  hndík̕ʷ   čšípntm   hoˑˑy   čatq̕ét̕p 
7.9.  they turned back he was chased they went ashore
7.10.  t̕iʔ   teč   ɬuˑˑˑ   ʔuuyarərərə 
7.10.  already toward far noise of rolling over and over
7.11.  hoy   ʔekʷn   ɬe   sčint   ni   k̕ʷneʔ   hncíčečn̕tmet?  
7.11.  then they said the people is it not soon that we overtake him
7.12.  hoy   ʔuɬ   čiidík̕ʷsm 
7.12.  then they turned back
7.13.  hoy   ʔuɬ   xʷét̕p   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs 
7.13.  then again he ran Turtle
7.14.  xʷiʔɬ   ʔuɬ   ʔe   č̕míw̕es   ʔuɬ   čičickʷínm   ʔey̕ddél̕dəl̕   čič̕ét̕m 
7.14.  here back to Chatcolet again he took it a bush he cut off
7.15.  hoy   ciʔɬ   hnʕécqənc 
7.15.  then there he tied it to the tip
7.16.  hoy   ʔul̕čsxʷístus   kʷum̕   ʔuɬ   hnkʷínmš   ʔax̣iye   ʔax̣iye  7.16.  then again for a purpose he went (to meet him) then he sang ax̣iyä ax̣iyä
8.1.  ʔekʷn   xʷe   sčint   hoy   x̣iɬ   ʔuɬ   čiidík̕ʷsm   xʷa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs 
8.1.  they said the people now maybe he returned Turtle
8.2.  hoy   ʔuɬ   c̕él̕əl̕ 
8.2.  then he arrived back
8.3.  cʔəčínm?  
8.3.  What is up?
8.4.  ʔuɬ   čickʷínm   ʔa   stcákʷqən 
8.4.  he brought back a scalp
8.5.  hoy   ʔekʷn   č   dúlm   hoy   čiyáʕaʕ   he   sčint   hoy   dúlm 
8.5.  then he said let's celebrate then all the people then celebrated
8.6.  ha [  tmíxʷask̕ʷúlčtəmɩst]  
8.6.  then he fixed himself up
8.7.  ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs 
8.7.  Turtle
8.8.  xʷiʔɬ   ʔuɬ   ɬép̕ɬəp̕nc   xʷe   ʔe   yúc̕emən 
8.8.  here he striped him with red paint
8.9.  kʷum̕   ɬa   ʔayáʕ   ʔecmélk̕ʷ   ɬa   sqiltč   hiɬ   yúc̕nc 
8.9.  then all were complete the (body --xxed) (bodies --h.w.) and he painted it red
8.10.  xʷiʔ   ʔa   scanč̕əmč̕əmáx̣is   ɬa   wárč 
8.10.  here under the arms Frog
8.11.  kʷum̕   ʔaɬq̕íc̕enč   ʔuʔɬép̕ɬəp̕   kʷum̕   sic   qíxʷlš [  ixʷəl̕xʷíl̕t]  
8.11.  and Snake was striped and finally Fish on the sides
8.12.  ʔuɬ   ɬép̕ɬəp̕nc 
8.12.  he striped him again
8.13.  hoy   dúlm   ha   q̕ʷéy̕mncut (  he   gʷuɬ   syeq̕ʷéy̕mncut) 
8.13.  then they celebrated and danced (it was their business --xxed) ((the occupation of the party was --h.w.) to dance)
8.14.  kʷum̕   ɬa   sp̕árk̕ʷalqs   ʔeckʷínm 
8.14.  then Turtle was holding
8.15.  ʔeckʷístus   ɬa   četcákʷqis   ʔey̕níɬ   xʷiy̕a   čapqínn   ʔecʔəkʷústm   stcákʷqən 
8.15.  he took hold of it the scalp because this braid is called "scalp"
8.16.  hoy   dúlm   ɬe   sčint   ɬa   ʔitʕʷehím 
8.16.  then they celebrated the people they cried the war cry
8.17.  kʷum̕   xʷe   ʔiidúlmš   kʷum̕   ɬa   ʔaɬq̕íc̕enč   ʔutmiš   ʔenc̕élut 
8.17.  then those who celebrated then Snake just stood in
8.18.  hoy   ciʔɬ   hnxʷátpalqs  8.18.  and that is the end of the trail