1.1.  kʷum̕   tel̕   xʷiy̕e   sk̕ʷat̕ú   hiɬ   x̣éyiš   he   tčíʔɬes   tč̕ésel   ʔe   gʷuɬ   t̕ík̕ʷt̕k̕ʷt   hiɬ   ttw̕ít 
1.1.  then from Cataldo they went for revenge three two old ones and a boy
1.2.  čsq̕emíln   xʷiy̕e   ttw̕ít 
1.2.  he was hungry this boy
1.3.  kʷum̕   xʷiy̕e   ttw̕ít   ʔey̕níɬ   ʔicʔíɬn   ʔa   sɬáq   kʷum̕   ʔitʕec̕xʷílgʷes 
1.3.  then this boy because he had been eating service-berries then he was hungry for meat
1.4.  kʷum̕   lut   he   ʔecméy̕stm   ɬe   ʔe   núneʔs   čiiníč̕m   ɬa   ʔa   sqiltč   kʷum̕   ʔiɬn 
1.4.  and (when) she did not know it his mother he cut it some meat then they ate
1.5.  xʷiʔɬ   kʷum̕   qʷáʔqʷeʔlstm   ɬuw̕e   ʔe   núneʔs   ɬuw̕e   ʔe   pípeʔs 
1.5.  here then he was told that by his mother that by his father
1.6.  č̕əstmíntm 
1.6.  he was mistreated (i.e., scolded)
1.7.  kʷum̕   xʷiʔɬ   hnʕeyílgʷes   ɬe   ttw̕ít 
1.7.  then here he was angry the boy
1.8.  kʷum̕   xʷiʔɬ   čicxʷíst   ɬe   ttw̕ít 
1.8.  then here he went the boy
1.9.  čiináx̣ʷt   čiic̕él̕əl̕   xʷiy̕   ʔecwíš 
1.9.  he went downstream he arrived at this house
1.10.  kʷum̕   xʷey̕a   ʕecíčn̕   ʔeck̕ʷíʔstm   ʔicx̣étm   ʔu   pam   pam   pam 
1.10.  then this a bow he was biting on (had at his mouth) beating pam pam pam
1.11.  kʷun̕   ča   sx̣áyiš   kʷum̕   x̣al   xʷiy̕e   ttw̕ít   x̣al   x̣étnc   xʷiy̕a   ʕecíčis 
1.11.  it is clear he is to go for revenge then also this boy also beat it this his bow
1.12.  kʷum̕   ʔekʷn   hoy   čéšncn 
1.12.  then he said now I am to accompany you
1.13.  kʷum̕   ʔekʷn   xʷxʷiy̕epɬcétxʷ   lut   x̣al   ʕeyílgʷes   ɬe   ʔinpípeʔ  1.13.  then he said the one who had the house no also he will be angry your father
2.1.  ʔekʷn   ttw̕ít   lut   či   sčiʔnʕeyeyílgʷes   hn   pípeʔ   ɬe   hi   núneʔ 
2.1.  he said the boy no I am the one to be angry my father and my mother
2.2.  ʔekʷústm   hoy   ciʔ   kʷu   čéšm   kʷun̕   kʷu   hnxʷúy   ɬe   tel̕   y̕íɬn 
2.2.  he was told all right you come along it is clear you come after -- are the last, worth less than -- food
2.3.  ciʔɬ   dex̣t   xʷuˑˑɬ   ɬe   ʔepɬ   wlwlím 
2.3.  there they went he proceeded to Where-there-are-Valuables
2.4.  kʷum̕   čiináx̣ʷt   ɬuw̕e   tel̕   qel̕ispílem   čiináx̣ʷt 
2.4.  then he went downstream that from the Kalispelm he went downstream
2.5.  kʷum̕   t̕iʔ   ɬéq̕m 
2.5.  then already they have an impound
2.6.  ʔipɬ   t̕édeʔs   kʷum̕   ʔušiɬ   q̕ʷénp̕   k̕ʷey̕   ʔuušiɬ   k̕ʷey̕   ʔecp̕íʔxʷ   činiʔdéx̣t   xʷiy̕a   sx̣ʷenítkʷeʔ 
2.6.  he had canoe then just at sunset still just still a little light they came into this swift current
2.7.  kʷum̕   tegʷíčtm   xʷe   ʔe   šémen̕   ʔe   ɬoqʷ   ttw̕ít [  yo   čɩneswíčɩ   sqél̕ɩxʷ   tam   qʷusíxʷ   tam   sqél̕ɩxʷ] 
2.7.  and they were seen by the enemy also the boy [my I saw people no a goose not a man]
2.8.  hoy   kʷum̕   hnkʷíʔc   č̕ém̕p   kʷum̕   ʔiyaʔnɬámqeʔ   xʷiy̕a   qel̕ispílem 
2.8.  and then it was night it was dark then they had secured a black bear these Kalispelm
2.9.  x̣al   tčʔəsíl̕əlš   ʔe   ttw̕ít   xʷiʔ   tčíʔɬes 
2.9.  also there were two boys these three
2.10.  kʷum̕   ɬe   tcəmcəmpílgʷes 
2.10.  the they were surfeited with grease
2.11.  kʷum̕   ʔekʷústm   xʷxʷiy̕e   ttw̕ít   lut   he   čeɬ   ʔicʔíɬn   xʷa   sxʷeʕʷ 
2.11.  then he was told this boy don't eat the bear intestine
2.12.  kʷum̕   xʷiʔɬ   xʷét̕p   xʷiy̕e   ttw̕ít   čiilékʷəkʷ   hiɬ   ʔitš    2.12.  then here he ran this boy far hither it was that he slept
3.1.  kʷum̕   ciʔɬ   sxʷúyntm   xʷiy̕   ʔicʔítš   ʔey̕níɬ   ʔitcəmcəmpílgʷes   t̕éxʷntm   xʷiy̕a   qel̕ispílem 
3.1.  and then they were to be approached those sleeping because they were surfeited with grease they were killed these Kalispelm
3.2.  ciʔɬ   hoy  3.2.  that is the end