1.1.  xʷe   ʔecʔəkʷústm   ʔiicʔícʔəcmš   xʷe   teč   hnč̕əmíp   kʷum̕   ʔey̕níɬ   xʷe   gʷélntm   ʔuuyár 
1.1.  it used to be said they were making a fire corral toward a place near Sand Point then because it was burned in a circle
1.2.  kʷum̕   xʷiʔɬ   niʔnéptes   ʔexʷúsntm   xʷe   ttm̕íxʷ   xʷe   če   st̕ápntm 
1.2.  then here when they went in (amongst --h.w.) (they were --h.w.) looked for animals to be shot
1.3.  hoy   kʷum̕   ʔuušiɬ   ʔepɬ   t̕ápm   kʷum̕   lut̕ul̕   xʷe   sniw̕t   kʷum̕   xʷiy̕e   sgʷelp   t̕ax̣t   gʷélp 
1.3.  and then just as there was shooting then not shy (modest) the wind was and this burned fast it burned
1.4.  kʷum̕   xʷxʷiy̕e   ciʔ   t̕ápm   kʷum̕   ciʔ   sáq̕ʷənc 
1.4.  then these there shooting then there (they --h.w.) opened it (made a gap --h.w.)
1.5.  kʷum̕   xʷét̕p 
1.5.  and ran
1.6.  hoy   kʷum̕   xʷiʔ   xʷe   tčnék̕ʷeʔ   gʷíčtm   ʔiit̕ápmš 
1.6.  and then here one person was seen shooting
1.7.  kʷum̕   dúl̕məncut 
1.7.  then they ran
1.8.  ciʔɬ   kʷum̕   ʔuɬ   ʔenʔenís 
1.8.  there then they went (out --h.w.) again
1.9.  hoy   kʷum̕   ɬe   neʔ   ʔuɬ   pəneʔ   cétxʷ   hiɬ   qʷáʔqʷeʔl   xʷe   sčint   hiɬ   miipnúntm   ʔepɬ   č̕uu 
1.9.  and then when they come up to the house and talked the people and it was learned there was gone
1.10.  hoy   kʷum̕   ʔekʷn   ʔuuméy   četgʷelpíneʔ 
1.10.  and then he said I bet he was burned over
1.11.  hoy   teʔexʷúsntm 
1.11.  then he was looked for
1.12.  č̕uu 
1.12.  he was absent
1.13.  ɬ   hnkʷíʔc   kʷum̕   ʔekʷn   ʔuuméy   četgʷel̕píneʔ 
1.13.  when it was night and he said I bet he was burned over
1.14.  kʷum̕   ʔekʷn   he   smíy̕em   hoy   ʔuɬ   čéšncel   če   stuusláq̕met 
1.14.  and she said his wife then come with me we will search for him
1.15.  hoy   kʷum̕   neʔ   t̕uʔ   ʔaʕʷ   neem̕n̕ús   tk̕ʷinš   xʷxʷiy̕a   sqál̕qal̕tmxʷ   xʷxʷiy̕e   ʔuɬ   čéšntm 1.15.  and then answering many I don't know how many of those men this one was accompanied again
2.1.  xʷuɬ   cenčíc 
2.1.  they proceeded to arrive
2.2.  ʔekʷústm   xʷiʔ   cmiʔ   mel̕   xʷiʔɬ   ʔecgʷíčstm 
2.2.  it was said here he was but is not any more right here he was seen
2.3.  hoy   kʷum̕   ʔexʷúsntm   láq̕ntm   xʷxʷiy̕e   ʔe   sčint 
2.3.  then and he was looked for search was made by these people
2.4.  tgʷel̕   dáx̣dex̣t 
2.4.  because they went here and there
2.5.  ʔekʷn   xʷiʔ   t̕iʔ   táx̣ʷəx̣ʷ 
2.5.  she said here surely he is dead
2.6.  hoy   kʷum̕   t̕iʔ   ʔuuč̕ém̕ 
2.6.  and then surely it was dark
2.7.  gʷíčtm   dəsíˑˑˑgʷt 
2.7.  it was seen very dimly
2.8.  hoy   yáʕaʕ   xʷxʷiy̕e   sčint 
2.8.  then they gathered these people
2.9.  c̕úc̕uʔm 
2.9.  they cried
2.10.  kʷum̕   xʷiy̕e   smíy̕em   ɬa   tač   q̕ʷómqis   ʔémiš   kʷum̕   cenšəlčeɬníw̕   píɬəɬəlš 
2.10.  then this woman toward his head sat down and in a circle alongside they sat down
2.11.  kʷum̕   ciʔɬ   neʔkʷú   hoy   hi   smúsm   xʷiʔɬ   yo   lut   sčint 
2.11.  then there she thought now I will feel about here my! not a person
2.12.  kʷum̕   ʔuɬ   músnc   xʷe   teč   xʷiʔ   lut   sčint   ʔepɬ   t̕ínt̕ineʔ 
2.12.  then again she felt about it toward here not a person it had ears
2.13.  ʔekʷn   xʷiy̕e   smíy̕em   he   lut   sčint   ʔet̕íxʷlm   xʷiʔ   sčsɬúsmis 
2.13.  she said this woman yes not a person it is different here its eyes
2.14.  kʷum̕   ʔa   ʔayáʕ   xʷiʔɬ   músntm 
2.14.  then by all here it was felt
2.15.  kʷun̕   ɬámqeʔ 
2.15.  oh (xxed out) (it turned out to be --h.w.) a black bear
2.16.  hoy   kʷum̕   ʔepɬ   mexʷt 
2.16.  and then they had a laugh
2.17.  hoy   kʷum̕   ʔuɬ   t̕épəliš 
2.17.  and then they got up
2.18.  ʔuɬ   ʔexʷúsntm   xʷiy̕a   ʔiicʕʷúsm   ha   sqíl̕tumxʷ  2.18.  again he was looked for this one lost the man
3.1.  kʷum̕   ʔexʷúsntm   gʷíčtm   ʔet̕ək̕ʷíˑˑˑ   ʔet̕ək̕ʷíˑˑˑ   k̕ʷey̕   ʔecxʷélxʷəlt 
3.1.  then he was looked for seen he was lying lying still alive he was
3.2.  ʔicgʷélp   kʷun̕   xʷiʔ   xʷe   neʔ   ʔiit̕áps   xʷiʔ   a   hnɬámqeʔ 
3.2.  he was burned (oh --xxed out) ( it was clear! --h.w.) here where his kill was this black bear
3.3.  kʷum̕   ciʔɬ   ʔuɬ   xʷúystm   xʷe   teč   cétxʷs   xʷiy̕a   sqíl̕tumxʷ 
3.3.  then there again he was taken toward his house this man
3.4.  ciʔ   xʷe   hnxʷátpalqs    3.4.  there the end of the road