1.1.  xʷiy̕e   tč̕ésel   ha   sqál̕qal̕tmxʷ   l̕ax̣tíw̕əs 
1.1.  there were two ment who were friends
1.2.  kʷum̕   ʔuɬ   čəɬčəɬíw̕es   xʷiʔ   ʔekʷn   xʷiy̕e   tčnék̕ʷeʔ   naʔ   čn   táx̣ʷəx̣ʷ   ɬuw̕a   hi   sw̕l̕w̕l̕em̕ín̕č   neʔ   čituuskʷíntxʷ 
1.2.  when they separated here he said this the one if I die that my gun you will take
1.3.  kʷum̕   ʔekʷn   hahoy 
1.3.  then he said go ahead
1.4.  ʔuɬ   xʷíst 
1.4.  he went back
1.5.  ʔax̣íw̕ɬ   neʔkʷúnm   hoy   hi   sčituuskʷínm   xʷiy̕e   sw̕l̕w̕l̕em̕ín̕č   ni   lut   t̕iʔ   číɬces   kʷum̕   ʔacʔáx̣al   hi   stíʔ 
1.5.  now he thought now I am going to get this gun has he not already given it to me then it is the same as my thing
1.6.  hoy   xʷuy   xʷuˑˑˑɬ   c̕él̕əl̕   ʔe   cétxʷslš 
1.6.  then he went he proceeded to return to their house
1.7.  č̕uu 
1.7.  he was gone
1.8.  ʔekʷústus   híčeʔ?  
1.8.  he asked her where
1.9.  ʔekʷústm   ɬe   ʔe   smíy̕em   č̕uu 
1.9.  he was told by the woman he is gone
1.10.  teč   hncéx̣ʷut   ʔicq̕q̕em̕íy̕eʔ 
1.10.  to the river he is fishing
1.11.  hoy   neʔkʷú   hoy   hi   snxʷúymənm 
1.11.  then he thought now I will follow
1.12.  hoy   xʷuɬ   gʷíčc   ɬuw̕a   ʔicq̕aq̕am̕íyeʔ 
1.12.  then he went he saw him the one fishing
1.13.  hoy   čsxʷúync   lut   he   čitegʷíčstm 
1.13.  then he went for him he was not seen by him
1.14.  hoy   neʔkʷú   hoy   pəsáčstmən 
1.14.  then he thought now I will play him a trick
1.15.  hoy   kʷum̕   lut   he   gʷíčstm   pəneʔ   síkʷeʔ 
1.15.  and then he was not seen as far as the water
1.16.  hoy   čtmélxʷncut 
1.16.  then he undressed
1.17.  hoy   kʷum̕   ɬe   neʔ   gʷesqíneʔst   hndəxʷməncítkʷeʔ 
1.17.  and then there must have been a high bank he lowered himself into the [water]
1.18.  núxʷtetkʷeʔ   hntədíškʷeʔ  1.18.  he swam like a frog he squirmed
2.1.  hoy   kʷum̕   xʷiy̕e   ʔicq̕aq̕am̕íy̕eʔ   ʔey̕niɬ   xʷa   t̕ax̣ítkʷeʔ   kʷum̕   xʷe   čaččmínkʷeʔstus   q̕aq̕am̕íy̕eʔ   kʷum̕   ʔesúk̕ʷstm 
2.1.  and then this one fishing because the water was swift then he threw it into the water the fishhook then it was carried along
2.2.  hoy   xʷxʷiʔ   ʔiinúxʷtetkʷeʔ   xʷuˑˑˑɬ   kʷum̕   tent̕édiš 
2.2.  the this one swimming he went then like a fish
2.3.  xʷuˑˑɬ   kʷum̕   čén̕ənc   xʷiy̕a   q̕aq̕am̕íy̕eʔ   kʷum̕   čiiténmstus   xʷxʷiy̕   ʔicq̕aq̕am̕íy̕eʔ   čiiténmstus 
2.3.  he went then he took hold of it thes fishhook then he pulled it toward him (back) this one fishing pulled on it
2.4.  ʔu   čiitánˑˑˑ 
2.4.  it resisted much
2.5.  kʷum̕   tegʷíčc   čicpáʔs   čsčínt 
2.5.  then he saw it come to the surface a person
2.6.  kʷum̕   xʷe   ʔe   y̕cpásps   čiiténmstus 
2.6.  and while he was being frightened he kept on pulling it
2.7.  kʷum̕   ʔu   ʔungʷígʷepmš 
2.7.  then he stepped back
2.8.  hoy   kʷum̕   čičetq̕ét̕p   xʷiy̕e   sčint 
2.8.  and then he went up the beach this person
2.9.  kʷum̕   čicxʷíst   ʔu   čitečéšn   xʷa   q̕aq̕am̕íy̕eʔ   ʔu   w̕im̕   ha   ča   stáx̣ʷməncuts 
2.9.  then he came he went along with it the fishhook almost he came to a stop
2.10.  ʔu   w̕im̕   he   če   súxʷtm 
2.10.  nearly he was recognized
2.11.  ʔekʷústus   čəčíˑˑˑnəmš?  
2.11.  he said to him what is the matter?
2.12.  q̕ésp   ɬe   lut   ʔecméy̕stus  
2.12.  a long time he did not know (what he was doing)
2.13.  hoy   sic   neʔ   súxʷsčent   xʷxʷiy̕a   ʔicq̕aq̕am̕íy̕eʔ 
2.13.  then at length he recognized this one fishing
2.14.  hoy   ciʔɬ   méxʷməxʷt 
2.14.  then there they laughed
2.15.  hoy   ciʔɬ   hnxʷátpalqs  2.15.  then that is the end of the road